After your tattoo is done we will bandage it for you. The clear wrap we use can be left on between 1-5 days (some people like to leave it on longer to ensure its protected and/or because it’s less painful, but it’s fine to take it off the morning after as well).
Take your bandage off in the shower to help loosen it up.
Clean your tattoo twice daily with fragrance free soap and water. Pat to dry. Do NOT use any scrubs, cloths, or exfoliants. Take a hot shower once daily to open your pores, but keep showers brief.
We do not recommend you use any moisturizers as these can actually interfere with good healing. Your body is designed to heal itself, so let it heal naturally. Less is always better. You can use very small amounts of moisturizers if the winter months are drying your skin out or if you are extremely itchy. Do NOT slather on thick layers, only a thin layer of fragrance free lotion (aveeno is good).
Between day 4-2 weeks your tattoo is going to start to peel and get itchy. These few weeks are vital for how your tattoo is going to look long term. Fight the urge to scratch and pick your tattoo, it’s hard I know, but don’t do it.
While your tattoo is healing do NOT soak it. This means no swimming, no baths, no hot tubs, no saunas etc. Be prepared to take it easy for a few weeks, no straining exercise, no public gyms (unless you keep it covered). Keep your tattoo out of the sun for the whole duration of healing.
Around the 3 week mark your tattoo should be settled into the skin. It is now that you can identify if you’re tattoo might need any touch ups. I will do touch ups at supply cost for two years after your appointment if needed (anything over two years you will be charged for). If you want your tattoo to age well you should always wear sunblock when you’re outside. It helps to always keep some in your car or in your purse.
If you have any questions about aftercare or healing feel free to email me directly.